Sunday, May 25, 2014

10 random facts about me

1. I don't like/hate being yelled at
2. I like to carry around a potato in case I have to hurt someone
3. I can sing like Ariana Grande
4. I can play the violin
5. I stink at sports
6. I talk A LOT (sometimes a scare people because I can talk for a long period of time without taking a break to breath)
7. I don't really eat much. But I do eat, so I don't starve. (Like I don't eat break-feast and every now and then lunch. But I eat dinner)
8. I'm protective about my phone and Rufus. (I love Rufus more than my phone)
9. I act like a cat 99% of the time. That's why everyone calls me "cat"
10. I'm 12 1/2, but everyone thinks im like, 14-16 because I look older than I really am.
And there's 10 facts about me. :) <3

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