Sunday, May 25, 2014

Adult Question - Answer Jokes for whatsapp 2014

Q: What do you call lesbian twins? 
A: Lick-a-likes. 

Q: Why don't blind people skydive? 
A: It scares the shit out of their dogs! 

Q: How could the redneck mom tell that her daughter was on her period? 
A: She could taste the blood on her son’s dick! 

Q: Did you hear about the blind gynecologist? 
A: He could read lips! 

Q: What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over? 
A: Doughnuts. 

Q: Why do African Americans only have nightmares? 
A: Because a redneck shot the only one with a dream! 

Q: What's the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus? 
A: It only takes one nail to hang a picture of Jesus. 

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