Sunday, May 25, 2014

15 Best whatsapp Wedding Jokes

1. Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get home, but it doesn't always go with everything else in the house. - Jean Kerr 

2. I never married because I have three pets at home that answer the same purpose as a husband. I have a dog that growls every morning, a parrot that swears all afternoon and a cat that comes home late at night. - Marie Corelli 

3. The trouble with some woman is that they get all excited about nothing, and then marry him. - Cher 

4. A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve is extracted. - Helen Rowland 

5. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her. - Agatha Christie 

6. Marriage is a sort of friendship recognised by the police. 

7 rriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? - Groucho Marx

8. Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures. - Samuel Johnson 

9. It's a funny thing that when a man hasn't anything on earth to worry about, he goes off and gets married. - Robert Frost 

10. Marriage is popular because it combines the maximim of temptation with the maximum of opportunity. - George Bernard Shaw 

11. Marriage is based on the theory that when a man discovers a particular brand of beer exactly to his taste, he should at once throw in his job and go to work in the brewery. - George Nathan 

12. All husbands are alike, but they have different faces so you can tell them apart. - Ogden Nash 

13. A husband's last words should always be 'OK buy it'. 

14. Nothing makes a good wife like a good husband. 

15. I wasn't sure if you wanted them all humorous or not, so I have added this link for some more serious quotes. 

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