Saturday, May 17, 2014

10 heart touching inspiring quotes about life

0051. If you’re leaving, take me with you. If you’re running away, take me too. If you’re jumping off, hold my hand as you do. I love life but it’s worth losing if I lose it with you. 

0052. I want to scream, I want to shout, I want to have faith and never doubt. I want to bend, I want to break, to sleep and never wake, to break down walls and to escape, be alone and hide my face. I want to feel, I want to touch, I want to stop wanting you so much.

0053. It’s not true that the perception of an angel is someone who wears white dress and with wings. Instead, they look exactly like us. If you don’t want to believe me, look in front of a mirror and there, you’ll see my angel.

0054. Need I say I care when you see I really do? Need I say I love you when life to me is you? Need I say I need you when I mean everything I do? Need I say the words? Just tell me and I’d say them all for you. 

0055. If there will be a time you think you miss me, don’t think about it. Instead, try to feel it with your heart. You’ll find out that you don’t miss me at all. Cause you’ll know better, that I never left you. 

0056. I love you but you make me cry, you hurt me and make me feel stupid. But you know why I hold on? Cause I know I’ll be crying harder, get hurt even more and feel dumber if I ever let you go. 

0057. God asked me if I were to live again what would I be. I told him I want to be an angel to guide you. He said, “But you don’t have to guide another angel.” I then answered, “Well, I can love one.” 

0058. I don’t want to put on my mind that someday, I’d have to see you walking away from me. But before it happens, I just want to clarify something. You may go. But I’ve got no reason not to follow. 

0059. I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I’ll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what it’s trying to whisper, “You’re the reason why I’m beating.” 

0060. To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything. I am nothing, you're something so let me be your everything. 

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