Saturday, May 17, 2014

Some Inspiring & Heart Touching Quotes

0211. Life is for living. I live mine for you. Love is for giving. I give mine to you. Hearts are for beating. Mine beats for you. Dreams are full of meaning. Mine are full of you.

0212. If you're asking if I want to be with you, the answer is forever. If you're asking if I want to leave you, the answer is never. If you're asking what I value most, the answer is you. If you're asking if I love you, the answer is I do.

0213. Me and Elmo had a fight. Cookie Monster say sorry but Elmo still mad. Elmo left and me feel sad. Now, cookie don't know what to do cause if only Elmo knew, me give up all my cookies if only Elmo ask me to.

0214. I'm like a shadow. I'm always here to accompany you every step of the way. But do you know the difference between a shadow and me? I'd still be here even if there's no light to shine anymore.

0215. If God takes the life I borrowed right at this very moment, I'll ask Him for one last favor. To bring me back on earth and do one important task. I'll have one final glimpse of you and die again. In your arms this time.

0216. Sometimes the world gives me so many reasons to hate it but whenever that happens, I just stop and think of you. And then I say, "How can I hate the world when you're a part of it?"

0217. I've always asked for something special to happen but I was too blind to see, too deaf to hear and too numb to feel that the day I met you was exactly the same day my prayer was answered.

0218. Sometimes I just might not be there for you but perhaps I might actually be. Not seeing me doesn't mean that I'm not with you. It only means that it's not my body who stands at your side but my heart.

0219. They say God has equal love for everyone. Do you think that's true? I don't think so. If He loved us equally, then why doesn't everyone have someone like you? I guess He loves me more.

0220. We are all meant to fly, to soar. But then at times we fail, we fall. So if ever you fail and fall, feel free. You know you can always just crash on me.

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