Saturday, June 7, 2014

SMS d'Amour new 2014

I'd be your tears, to be born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips.
Sms messages of love
I love being in your arms and listen to the beating of your heart. It makes me feel that there is someone in this world, whose heart beats only for me.
sms d amour
Love is born of a glance, a kiss lives and dies with a tear.
Sms messages of love
You came at night. You've stuck to my body. You sucked me. You had fun. You left leaving me suffer. Damn mosquito!
sms d amour
There are 1 more day 1 more chemain, 1Other hope one another tear, another fear 1, 1 more smile, one another adventure, but never one other person more expensive than you
Msg  texto damour
It is said that love is embedded with the titanic, for you I will dive to find
Sms messages of love
I sent you a car kissing, driven by the engine of love, on the path to happiness, to start with tenderness, and to get the train to paradise!
sms d amour
You are the sun that lights my life. In the morning, get up without you is get up in a world where it is always night.
Msg  texto damour
Love is strong as alcohol, sweet like chocolate, spicy hot peppers like as was unforgettable as the first kiss
Sms messages of love
You are the sun that lights my life. In the morning, get up without you is get up in a world where it is always night. You are my happiness
sms d amour
It is easy to love forever? To keep the same intensity? After 10 years together, it has a real love or we stay together for convenience and social obligation?.
Msg  texto damour
Before you I'm nothing, without you I am nothing, with you I feel alive, without you life is no longer possible, I love you.
Sms messages of love
If you're sad think of me, if you feel alone sending me a message, if you looking for a true friend call me, but if you need my heart is love you ... I love you.
sms d amour
When I think of you, I feel alive again. You're everything to me and your love, I get drunk.
Msg  texto damour
Love is the novel of the heart ... It is the pleasure that is history.
SMS d'Amour new 2014-2015

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